Daring to Dream announces Mind Cymru as its supporting partner for its fourth virtual Lleswyl Festival

Daring to Dream, a charity dedicated to promoting the emotional health and wellbeing of patients in Wales, has joined forces with Mind Cymru, the leading mental health charity, for its fourth virtual Lleswyl Festival.
Working together, the organisations aim to raise awareness of and participation in the annual live-streamed event, which takes place on ‘Lleswyl 2025’ channel on YouTube on Friday February 21.
Hosted by broadcaster Sian Lloyd, radio presenter Jason Harrold and musician Tumi Williams (with BSL interpretation), the evening will provide live music, inspiring conversations and uplifting stories. During the event, those who have been supported by Daring to Dream and organisations that work with the charity, will chat to the hosts about the vital role of how dealing with your emotional health and gaining robust skills around your feelings can lead to faster recovery from acute crises and support those with chronic illnesses to live well.
Daring to Dream encourages those living with illness to talk about their feelings, enabling them to live their best lives despite their conditions. The charity also makes spaces to talk in hospitals, creating safe spaces, quiet rooms, relatives’ rooms, and ward dayrooms in hospitals around Wales, where patients, dealing with the emotional fall out of diagnoses or living with chronic illnesses, can feel better comforted and supported emotionally. These ‘emotional refuges’ provide a supportive environment to discuss feelings, not just clinical advice.
Lleswyl is Daring to Dream’s flagship, free, live-streamed annual wellbeing festival. It is an at home experience designed to support the emotional health and wellbeing of those who normally cannot attend live events because of chronic illness, disability or loneliness. It is open to everyone, those living with illness and those supporting those with illness.
Through this new partnership with Mind Cymru, the charity hopes to reach more people and communities across Wales who will benefit from a focus on building emotional health and skills, encouraging them to talk more about their feelings.
Mind Cymru exists to make sure everyone in Wales has access to the mental health information, support and services they need, alongside 16 local Minds working to support people affected by their mental health in communities across Wales,
At a national level, the charity also campaigns to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding to help make sure no-one in Wales faces a mental health problem alone.
Daring to Dream’s founder and chair, Barbara Chidgey, said: “We are incredibly excited to partner with Mind Cymru for this year’s Lleswyl. Together we’re committed to creating a future where everyone in Wales can talk openly about their emotions arising from illness and benefit from the positive impact on their physical recovery.
“We are very hopeful this will not only help them live well with illness but will also reduce their risk of developing additional mental illness arising from their physical illness.”
Sue O-Leary, Executive Director at Mind Cymru said: “We know from our own work how crucial it is that people in Wales living with long-term health conditions get the support they need not only on a practical level, but on an emotional one too.
“And, while the impact of what it means to a person’s physical health is often well-documented, we also know there is still little specialised support available to help people navigate the changes that come with the diagnosis of a chronic illness emotionally.
“So, we are thrilled to be working alongside Daring to Dream for Lleswyl Festival 2025 in support of those going through difficult health challenges, and with a shared mission to make sure no one in Wales faces mental health issues alone.”