Business Support Event

Billed as the second event of this year’s March For Business campaign, local Denbighshire businesses received high-quality, free advice and support at this year’s Pop-Up Business Support event.

Held at Costigans in Rhyl on the 4th of March, the event provided 1-2-1 sessions with sector leading business experts. The event provided local business owners with a chance to assess and discover business practices, as well as check on the health of their businesses.

This year’s March for Business campaign includes a number of exiting events, comprised of a mixture of workshops, forums and awards. This is the sixth year that the Council is running the popular business month.

Councillor Jason McLellan, Leader of the Council and Lead Member for Economic Growth & Tackling Deprivation said:

“The Council are always looking to support our local businesses wherever possible, as they are the backbone of our local economy and are what help our highstreets thrive.

This pop-up event provided free expert advice and guidance to local business owners and entrepreneurs, helping them with new and existing business.

This year’s March For Business campaign runs all the way up to the 22nd, and I would encourage business owners to look through this year’s schedule to see which events suit them best.”

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