Denbighshire Libraries’ ‘25 books in 2025’ challenge sees more than 100 sign ups

The ‘25 books in 2025’ challenge has proved popular with Denbighshire’s adult readers, with the challenge’s various genres and themes encouraging readers to step out of their comfort zone and try new types of books.
More than 100 residents have now signed up since the launch in early January.
Readers are challenged to pick up a bingo sheet and get it stamped each time a book is returned matching one of the categories. The categories include a variety of genres and types, for example, read a book that is more than 400 pages long, the first book in a trilogy, a graphic novel or a book you can read in a day.
Deborah Owen, Principal Librarian at Denbighshire County Council said:
“It is great to see so many people taking up our challenge, but if you haven’t signed up yet there is still time. If you aren’t a library member it is quick and easy to join, and your library card will give you free access to a great selection of books in a variety of formats.”
Councillor Emrys Wynne, Lead Member for Welsh Language, Culture & Heritage said:
“Reading is one of the best ways to relax and de-stress. Reading can help broaden horizons and widen our understanding of the world.
It is easy however to get stuck in a reading rut. I’d urge Denbighshire residents to challenge themselves to read something different and see if they can read 25 books in 2025.”