Denbighshire Libraries offering free sports equipment to children during summer holidays

Denbighshire’s Libraries now offer free sports equipment for young people to loan out during the summer holidays, to ensure that sport and outdoor games can be enjoyed throughout the summer break.
All 8 of the libraries host this offer, with equipment kindly provided by Denbighshire Leisure Limited (DLL).
This equipment includes skipping ropes, hockey sticks, cricket bats, tennis racquets hula hoops and balls, and can be loaned out at the same time as books.
This year’s Summer Reading Challenge is named ‘Ready, Set, Read!’ and is a games and sports themed challenge. In conjunction with this, Denbighshire Libraries want to celebrate play and participation and encourage children to engage in games and sports in any way that best suits them.
Children and young people can access the equipment by visiting their local library.
Councillor Emrys Wynne, Lead Member for Welsh Language, Culture and Heritage said:
“It is brilliant that our libraries can offer a chance for children and young people to enjoy sports and outdoor games throughout the summer break.
“It is important for children to continue their physical activity during the break, as this helps with both fitness levels and brain development”.
Jamie Groves, Managing Director of DLL said:
“We are absolutely delighted to help launch the free equipment loan programme at Denbighshire Libraries. Our Active Communities team have worked closely with the Denbighshire libraries to bring this programme to life, and seeing its early success is fantastic, with almost all of the equipment already out on loan!
“As we head into the summer holidays, I am delighted that we can extend this service free of charge to all Denbighshire families, especially during these challenging economic times”.