Digital advertising agency finds international success after founder ran the company from bed following a life-changing injury

Luke Maggs, Kate Horsington and Ellie Jerman of D3
D3, a digital advertising agency specialising in data-driven decision making has won for the second year running at the prestigious European Search Awards, despite its founder experiencing life-changing health complications.
Founder Kate Horsington began her own business in 2019 while on a wating list for surgery after a rock-climbing accident that almost paralysed her. Despite being bedridden while she recovered from three spinal surgeries, Kate managed to continue to run her business, even securing significant new clients including one of the UK’s major financial services company and Wildlife Trust in Malawi.
The agency, headquartered in Cardiff, received its second international award at the ceremony in Lisbon after delivering an ambitious B2C paid-search campaign for nutritional supplement business Keto-Pro.
D3 Founder Kate Horsington said of the win: “We are over the moon with the outcome and are thrilled see our hard work recognised at this level. Throughout my career, I have worked with three of the leading price comparison websites in the UK, primarily specialising in the heavily regulated financial services sector. However, one of the most enjoyable aspects of working at D3 is the chance to support clients within diverse sectors that present unique challenges and budgets.”
After her accident Kate was uncertain that she would ever walk again. By applying the same data driven approach to her recovery as she does to her business, she is now trekking 150km per month, whilst also securing international award wins and onboarding new clients.
Kate added: “Over the past five years, we’ve faced various challenges in our business, one being my life-changing accident. Despite these obstacles, I truly enjoy what I do and feel proud of our team’s unwavering commitment and drive to deliver outstanding results for our clients. Our success is rooted in our data-driven strategies and innovative analytics techniques. To be recognised at the European Search Awards gave us the chance to showcase our talents on an international stage alongside the top digital agencies in our field.”
The judges of the European Search Awards said “It’s great to see how much detail went into planning this project, we were impressed with how the agency overcame the challenges faced and the overall quality of work produced. A stand-out, deserving winner.”
D3 specialises in digital marketing campaigns and combines Data Science and Behavioural Sciences to create targeted paid search and social strategies, which helps businesses promote their products or services to customers and drive sales.