Don’t miss out: Part-time nursery applications to close soon

copyright Lisa Baker 2021
The council would like to remind parents/carers that the deadline for part-time nursery school applications is 31 August 2023.
If your child would like to start in January 2024 they will need to have been born between 1 September 2020 and 31 December 2020.
If you would like your child to start in April 2024, they will need to have been born between 1 January 2021 and 31 March 2021.
Parents/carers are advised to apply via the council’s My Account service; however, the application is also available as a hardcopy form upon request, from your local school.
It’s quick and easy to apply for a place through My Account because once you have submitted the application, this will be indicated in your My Account summary information.