Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel endorse Commissioner’s plan

THE Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel has endorsed an action plan set out by the area’s Police and Crime Commissioner.
The Panel convened to discuss a number of issues relating to policing in the region, and to challenge and scrutinise the Commissioner’s work and decision-making.
Presenting his draft Police and Crime Plan Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn said his main aim was keeping the communities of Mid and West Wales safe, and supporting people to maintain trust and confidence in policing and justice.
His draft plan for 2021-2025 sets out a series of priorities, including supporting victims of crime, preventing harm to individuals and communities, and improving confidence in the criminal justice system.
On that point, during their scrutiny of the plan, Panel members drew attention to the high number of victims who withdrew from the criminal justice process, noting that Dyfed-Powys Police had one of the highest rates of withdrawal.
Mr Llywelyn said he hoped that putting the victim at the centre of the criminal justice system would result in improvements in this area.
Policing of rural areas was also a topic of discussion, with the Commissioner stating that operational changes currently being implemented would ensure there was sufficient police presence outside main towns and villages.
He said he would ensure that officers would be visible across the force area, with more community engagement and proactive patrolling and policing moving forward.
Following the Panel’s scrutiny of the plan, Mr Llywelyn assured that feedback would be taken on board before it is published by the end of the year.
Chair of the Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel, Cllr Alun Lloyd Jones, said: “We are grateful to have had the opportunity to scrutinise the plan and feed into it on behalf of – and for the benefit of – the people of Dyfed-Powys. I look forward to seeing the finished article.”
Find out more about the Commissioner’s policing priorities and the issues raised by the Panel by watching an archived webcast of the meeting – visit www.dppoliceandcrimepanel.wales