Effective marketing strategies for Twitter


Are you looking for a new and effective way to market your business or brand? Have you ever thought about using social media, or even Twitter in particular to do this?

These days it can be incredibly difficult to master social media, twitter especially, because of the sheer number of users on the platform. Launched in 2006, twitter has now amassed over 326 million monthly active users, meaning that the amount of content that is posted daily is insane. Twitter can be extremely beneficial to any brand or business if used correctly.

You might be thinking of employing a Twitter marketing strategy, but just keep in mind that this can be difficult to accomplish successfully and hard to know what to consider when creating an account. For those who aren’t sure about Twitter marketing but still want to grow their Twitter account, here are a few effective marketing strategies to use for Twitter.

The basics

Creating your profile is possibly one of the most important aspects when it comes to Twitter marketing. It may be tempting to just upload the nicest picture you have as your profile photo, and choose and easy name but you should just be going about your profile at random, there is a cohesive setup that you should be aiming for.

It is so important to choose the right handle for your brand. This is to make it easier for followers to remember you and search you up. When choosing a username, make sure it is the same, or similar, to your brand name. Next up is your profile photo and banner. When choosing these they should preferably be your logo. This is important so that followers can visually identify your brand and it’s aesthetic. Keeping with the tone and voice of your brand it key, as this will make you look more professional and approachable.

Make use of analytics

Having a marketing strategy is pointless is you don’t actually analyse the data and metrics to ensure that the strategy is effective and doing well for your brand. Every metric can be used to change, enhance, and direct content by seeing how well each individual post is doing, allowing you to discover which posting time is most optimal, and also seeing what kind of, and how much, engagement users are having with your profile.

Try not to focus specifically on your follower growth, even though it does have some level of importance, because this will mean nothing is your user engagement is low. Instead focus on increasing the amount of engaged followers, these are the followers who will really help your brand marketing strategy. When it comes to finding these followers there are a few services which can help the most popular are Twesocial and Tweet Attacks Pro. They both have their pros and cons but if you want to see a Tweet Attacks Pro comparison you can learn more about it in the article linked.


Most people think that by just posting their content that is advertising their products or services, it will be an effective enough marketing strategy and its easy because there is hardly any work involve, but this is not the case at all. One of the best marketing strategies out there is to simply just engage with your followers and users as much as possible.

This can be done in a variety of ways and you’re not just limited to responding to comments on you posts. While responding to comments on your post is fantastic and a great way to make other users feel noticed and appreciated, try responding to your direct message as well and even consider liking other users posts or following them back. This will allow you to increase your exposure and reach as well as enabling you to build a community around you that might be interested in your brand,

Be entertaining

Having a posting schedule is great, and engaging with you followers and other users is fantastic but this will have no effect on your marketing strategy if you your posts are boring and irrelevant. Twitter is first and foremost, a platform for social networking that is used as a source of entertainment by majority of its users. This means that in order to be more appealing to your target audience, you need to be entertaining.

One of the best ways to do this is through humour and by being funny. By having entertaining content, not only will you be more attractive to your target audience but it will also enable you to increase your follower engagement and retweets by presenting users with an opportunity to engage with it.

Make sure that you content, along with being entertaining, aligns with your brands voice and style.