News from Wales

Enhanced Automated Lateral Turning System Launched by Frontier Medical Group

Tredegar-based medical technology specialist, Frontier Medical Group, has launched an extension to its automated lateral turning system, Toto, to address the issue of manual turning as part of a pressure area care plan.

Frontier Medical Group is a leading provider of pressure area care solutions. Its product portfolio includes Repose cushions and mattress overlays and Dermisplus Prevent tubing.

Toto Cradle Platform is the next generation of the Toto Lateral Turning System which has been used in hospitals and healthcare settings since it launched in 2008. Toto is an automatic lateral turning system designed to assist with patient turning. With a powered control unit and a turning platform fitted beneath a patient’s mattress, Toto automatically turns patients at user-defined intervals, relieving pressure over their most vulnerable areas.

Toto Cradle Platform has been specifically designed with the cradle support system which reduces the risk of patient migration across the support surface while providing lateral turning.

Craig Jones, UK Product Manager at Frontier Medical Group comments: “Pressure area care and pressure sore prevention are our key drivers at Frontier Medical Group. We know that it costs the NHS £3.7m per day to treat the 700,000 people developing pressure ulcers each year and that. Prevention is a much better outcome than treatment and so we are proud to launch the next generation of Toto with the Toto Cradle Platform.

“Healthcare providers are required to turn patients frequently to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers but there are a range of challenges when turning manually including resourcing, risk to patients and staff as well as lack of dignity for the patient. Manual turning on a 24-hour cycle can interrupt sleep patterns and be generally disruptive for patients and carers.”

Toto Cradle Platform has recently been showcased to healthcare professionals at the National Association of Equipment Providers (NAEP) conference and exhibition in Kenilworth. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive with professionals seeing the benefits of the product in both hospital and care home settings.

The Toto Cradle Platform differs from the original Toto Lateral Turning System by providing a dual tilt to enhance patient comfort and support, effectively cradling the patient while providing consistent, prescribed lateral turning intervals.

As well as being lightweight and easy to install, the Toto Cradle Platform is designed to be compatible with any bed frame in any position.

More information about the Toto Cradle Platform can be found at

Frontier Medical Group is one the world’s leading medical technology companies with a strong track record of developing and bringing to market medical devices that aid pressure area care. To find out more information on Frontier Medical Group visit

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