Entertainment Where Art Doesn’t Get Recognised

One thing that can be said with certainty about art is that it is seldom recognised for the value it really has. All too often, great artists are acknowledged only posthumously. Not only that, but many works of art don’t even get recognised as such because of either stigma or the lack of knowledge by the masses.
Whether it be old comic books, buildings, video games or online slot games at casino sites, art is all around us, taken for granted. Although music and movies are often lauded for their innovative aesthetic approaches, the following forms of popular entertainment often fall short of such acclaim.
Popular Music
There isn’t a person that doesn’t think that music is art. However, nowadays, with new songs coming out each day and becoming popular overnight, some people would argue that top-40 tunes aren’t art. We’d have to disagree. No matter how formulaic you may think a new Ariana Grande song is, it’s still as artsy as the most famous classical piece.
Though superhero movies are taking the world by storm, you will be surprised by how many people consider comics themselves to be schlock. Comic books are far more than simple superhero stories. With storylines discussing war, philosophy, and love, contemporary comics are just as legitimate pieces of art as novels. One could argue even more so, as each graphic book consists of not only written narrative but visual art.
Many novelists have also dived head-first into creating comics. Neil Gaiman, known for Coraline, American Gods, and Good Omens, has also penned one of the most recognised graphic novels out there, Sandman. This comic is so famous that it has recently been adapted into a Netflix-produced TV show by the same name.
Online slots
Under appreciated for its art? By a mile! Though traditional video games are also rarely thought of as art, online games, especially video slots, are definitely an art form that rarely gets any praise.
If you were to visit any well known online casino site, you’ll be greeted by thousands of video slot titles. Software studios that work on these titles are proper art houses. From the people who work on developing narratives for the slots, to those who actually work on the visuals, the creation of online slots is undeniably artsy.
You will find online slots covering a bunch of different themes. From the ones inspired by more traditional slots, such as fruits, to the ones with mesmerising artwork of fairies, ghosts, or zombies, there’s something out there for anyone to appreciate.
Video Games
Online slots are just the beginning. Traditional video games are some of the most important art forms out there. As technology advances, the artists’ canvases are just becoming larger. Video games include the works of hundreds of people, from producers to 3D modellers, illustrators, world builders, and many more. They all collaborate to provide an immersive experience. By playing video games, you can become a character in the story yourself.
Many are simply gobsmacked as to why video game creation isn’t recognised by more people as a legitimate art form. We encourage you to pay attention to the beautiful visuals, immersive storylines, and smooth gameplay next time you turn on your game console.
Final thoughts
Though art is subjective, what is considered art shouldn’t be. If the artist has a vision and a story to tell, who are we to tell them their efforts aren’t artistic in nature? From popular music to video games, the world of art is much larger than we initially thought.