SMCR is a new regulation in the UK that affects all financial services companies. The regulation was put into place to improve customers’ safety and hold senior management accountable for their actions. Under SMCR, all financial services companies must certify their senior managers. This certification process ensures that each senior manager is aware of their responsibilities and has the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out their role safely and effectively.

Financial services companies must also create a Senior Manager Framework, which sets out the specific responsibilities of each senior manager. This framework helps ensure clear accountability for decisions made by senior management and that everyone within the company understands their role in protecting customers.


What Are SMCR Conduct Rules?

The SMCR conduct rules are regulations that financial services companies must comply with. These rules are designed to protect customers and ensure that senior management is held accountable for their actions. To get help with SMCR compliance, work with an experienced professional services provider. The conduct rules include several provisions:

  • Financial services companies must take reasonable steps to protect their customers from harm
  • Senior management must take reasonable steps to ensure that the company complies with the law
  • Senior management must not engage in any improper conduct


What Are the Penalties for Non-Compliance?

The regulation was put into place to improve customers’ safety and hold senior management accountable for their actions. Under SMCR, all financial services companies must certify their senior managers. This certification process ensures that each senior manager is aware of their responsibilities and has the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out their role safely and effectively. Financial services companies must also create a Senior Manager Framework, which sets out the specific responsibilities of each senior manager.

This framework helps ensure clear accountability for decisions made by senior management and that everyone within the company understands their role in protecting customers. The SMCR conduct rules are regulations that financial services companies must comply with. These rules are designed to protect customers and ensure that senior management is held accountable for their actions.

The conduct rules include several provisions, such as the requirement to act with integrity, behave fairly and honestly, and take reasonable steps to protect customers. If a financial services company breaches the SMCR conduct rules, it could face several penalties, including:


  • Fines
  • Being banned from providing financial services
  • Having its certification revoked
  • Being named and shamed on the Financial Conduct Authority’s website


Therefore, financial services companies need to comply with the SMCR conduct rules and that their senior managers are certified. This will help protect customers and ensure that senior management is held accountable for their actions.


Who Does SMCR Apply To?

The SMCR applies to all financial services companies, including banks, building societies, credit unions, insurers, and investment firms. This includes board members, non-executive directors, chief executives, chief financial officers, and all other senior managers. However, the regulation does not apply to self-employed advisers or sole traders.

The SMCR affects all employees of financial services companies, including senior management and those working in customer-facing roles. Therefore, if a financial services company employs you, it is important to ensure that you know your responsibilities under the regulation and comply with the SMCR conduct rules. This will help protect customers and ensure that you act lawfully and ethically.


What Does Senior Management Certification Entail?

Under SMCR, all financial services companies must certify their senior managers. The certification process typically involves the senior manager signing a declaration that they have received training about the specific responsibilities of their role within the company. Financial services companies must also conduct an annual review of each senior manager’s performance to ensure that they meet the criteria for certification. If a financial services company fails to certify its senior management team properly or does not complete its annual reviews, it could face severe penalties for breaching SMCR conduct rules.


What Are the Benefits of SMCR?

SMCR is a new regulation that was put into place to improve customers’ safety and hold senior management accountable for their actions. Hence, If a financial services company employs you, it is important to know your SMCR responsibilities and comply with SMCR conduct rules. The regulation has already had several benefits, including:


Improved Safety For Customers:

SMCR has helped improve customers’ safety by holding senior management accountable for their actions. For example, if a financial services company fails to certify its senior management team properly or does not complete annual reviews, it could face severe penalties under SMCR conduct rules. This has helped improve customers’ safety by ensuring that senior management is held accountable for their actions.


Improved Regulatory Compliance:

SMCR is designed to help financial services companies comply with regulations, which can help boost profits and reduce risk. SMCR conduct rules include provisions such as the requirement to act with integrity, behave fairly and honestly, and take reasonable steps to protect customers. If a financial services company breaches these conduct rules, it could face steep penalties under SMCR regulation.


Better Governance:

SMCR has also helped to improve governance within financial services companies. Senior managers are now required to receive training in relation to the specific responsibilities of their role within the company. This helps to ensure that they are aware of their duties and that they are acting lawfully and ethically.


Increased Transparency:

The Senior Manager Framework sets out clear accountabilities and responsibilities of each individual within a company. Due to this increased transparency, companies have been able to identify where they need further training and development for their employees. This has led companies to hire experts in cyber security and financial crime prevention.


Improved Company Culture:

By having more transparent communication between managers and employees, companies have better understood the particular challenges that different departments face daily. In turn, this has helped managers to provide employees with better support and opportunities for training.

Those who fail to certify their senior management team properly or do not complete their annual reviews could face severe penalties for breaching SMCR conduct rules. Therefore, if a financial services company employs you, it is important to ensure that you know your SMCR responsibilities and comply with the regulations. If you have any questions about SMCRs or how they affect your role at your company, speak with a member of the human resources department or contact an employment law specialist.