Expert collaboration launches to strengthen support for SMEs

Business owners in North Wales are set to benefit from increased confidence and enhanced skillsets as a key partnership continues to flourish.

The region’s representatives of a global professional advisory service and a national sales training provider have joined forces to further support SME leaders when mapping out their company objectives and strategy.

David Roberts of The Alternative Board (TAB) and Sales Geek North Wales’ Aaron Sussex are combining their expertise of coaching and consultancy, reflecting a broader alliance between the two UK-wide organisations.

For the collaboration’s first major initiative, David and Aaron will be hosting two linked seminars at Coleg Cambria Northop on 5 and 19 September, titled, ‘Improve your business. Change your life’.

Led by David, the first half-day event will help attendees craft both a personal and company vision to shape their goals and priorities, which is a key aspect of his approach with clients in one-to-one coaching sessions at TAB.

Two weeks later, Aaron will build on these techniques through his workshop focusing on revenue generation by equipping participants with tools to enhance their sales activity.

David, who is also chair of the Institute of Directors (IoD) North Wales and a Fellow of the organisation, said: “It wasn’t long after sitting down with Aaron and discussing the challenges leaders face that we decided to collaborate.

“It makes perfect sense as so many of the topics we deal with align, such as helping owners cope with the tough economic environment and striving to get the best out of their team.

“It’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day noise of running a company, so we hope combining our experience will offer support to those who may feel alone when tackling their problems.”

Attending the workshops will also include the opportunity for each attendee to receive a personalised session with either David or Aaron to help consolidate the learnings.

Aaron, who has worked both nationally and globally in senior sales roles for 25 years, added: “David and I have insight to offer when it comes to supporting leaders, so we hope this partnership will bring another dimension of guidance for the business community.

“To gain the maximum benefit, I strongly encourage those interested to come along to both sessions as they are inextricably linked, and not delay booking on as places are limited.

“I look forward to working with David across more projects in the future.”