Expert shares six tips on how to sleep better in August

August is nearly over – but many areas are still hoping to see temperatures remain in the 20s this week as Brits enjoy the last of the summer sun and gear up for the Bank Holiday.
However, research indicates that many will struggle to sleep during the hot nights – as sleep cycles are disrupted by higher temperatures.
With that in mind cool air experts at Setpoint22 have provided their top tips for sleeping during the heat this week.
#1: Invest in lightweight bedding
Many falsely believe that sleeping without the covers on can help you sleep better at night – however, studies suggest that sleeping underneath lightweight bedding, made of materials such as linen or cotton, can help better regulate body-temperatures.
Investing in light, breathable fabrics for the summer months will provide you with better air circulation during the night, allowing for a better sleeping experience.
#2 Sleep with a fan or air-con on
Circulating cold air around a room will help cool you down by creating a gentle breeze, says experts at Setpoint22.
Using air-conditioning or a fan at night can have a dramatic impact on your sleep quality. Cooling devices such as this help circulate air throughout the room, preventing stale air and providing better ventilation.
As well as this, air-conditioning can reduce the amount of humidity by removing excess moisture from the air. Of course, another benefit is the fact that you can control the temperature of the room with the settings on the device, meaning you can adjust the air flow to ensure you achieve the optimal sleeping conditions for you.
#3 Close blinds and curtains throughout the day
Ensuring that you are blocking out the sunlight during the day will help cool down your bedroom during the day – and during the night. Blackout curtains are much better at ensuring complete darkness, however regular curtains should do the trick.
#4 Take a warm shower before bed
Whilst it may seem counter-intuitive, a warm shower before bed can appropriately regulate your body temperature, ensuring a much better sleep.
#5 Opt for light weight PJs
Loose-fitting, lightweight pyjamas made from breathable materials will help ensure that no heat is trapped around your body. Pyjamas made from bamboo are perfect for the summer and will help regulate your body temperature better.
#6 Stay on a sleep schedule
Whilst it might be harder to get to sleep in the heat, ensure you attempt to keep to your regular sleep schedule. This will help your body’s internal clock and ensure that you feel refreshed the next day. Disrupting your sleep schedule may negatively impact your sleep in the long-term, and you may struggle to have a peaceful night after the heat has surpassed.