Expressions of interest open for Bridgend Tourism Events Support Fund

Tourism event organisers are now able to express an interest in the Bridgend Tourism Events Support Fund which aims to boost the number of overnight visitors from outside the area.

The grant scheme, which is fully funded by UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), is open to organisers of tourism events that will be actively marketing Bridgend County Borough to locations across the United Kingdom, between the period of April 2024 and January 2025.

The fund will support events which align to the council’s Destination Management Plan with the purpose of boosting the local economy by generating revenue for local businesses, creating jobs, or promoting the region as a tourism destination.

Priority will be given to events which are new to Bridgend County Borough or events which can demonstrate significant potential for growth.

Existing events will also be considered for support where the applicant can show how they intend to add value compared to previous years, for example by increasing capacity, adding new elements or by introducing spin off or complimentary events.


Cllr Neelo Farr, Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Wellbeing, said: “We encourage all tourism event organisers to get in touch with the council to explore any ideas and to see whether they are eligible for valuable support.

“One of the main benefits of event tourism is that festivals and events can attract new visitors to trigger growth across the county borough from both a social and economic perspective.

“The varied landscape of Bridgend County Borough means that the area is well suited to host a variety of tourism related events. For example, just last year, the prestigious Senior Open golf tournament was held in Porthcawl, and this attracted many visitors to the area from all over the world.”


Bridgend County Borough Council has received £19m and a further £3.9m for the Multiply programme across revenue and capital, through the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund for the period April 2022 until the end of March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place by investing in local communities and supporting local business, and people and skills.


Tourism Event Organisers are asked to visit the council’s website for further information and to complete the expression of interest form.

The council’s tourism team are keen to hear from event organisers about their ideas. Please contact to arrange an informal chat to discuss further.