Extensive vandalism to Bute Park overnight

Extensive vandalism to Bute Park overnight

Reports are coming in of extensive vandalism to Cardiff Bute Park overnight

Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Sport, Cllr Peter Bradbury, said, “We’ve received a report this morning of significant criminal damage in our much loved Bute Park.

“Thousands of pounds worth of damage has been done all the way from Blackweir Bridge to Pettigrew Tearooms. Over 50 trees have been destroyed, bins have been ripped from the concrete, plants and planters have been wrecked, manhole covers have been broken – our officers are still assessing the park to see the full extent of the damage.

“I fully condemn this behaviour. It is not acceptable. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to deliberately destroy an area that is there for everyone to enjoy.

“This is a crime and has been reported to the police. I urge anyone with any information to contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 to help deal with thissenseless act of vandalism.”
