fflecsi to enhance West Wales’ Bwcabus service

This time TfW is working in partnership with Carmarthenshire County Council as well as Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion County Councils through the LINC II scheme to enhance the very popular Bwcabus service which celebrates 12 years of operation this autumn.
fflecsi Bwcabus will bring additional technology to the service by providing the fflecsi app, enabling you to book and track your journey, as well as making phone bookings via the TfW call centre.
You can pay on the bus with card or cash, concessionary passes and MyTravel Pass are also valid on fflecsi Bwcabus. The new service means that you will be able to book the bus through the app as well as over the phone. And the only other difference is that the phone number to book will change to 0300 234 0300 – charged at a local rate, however it’s free to call from mobiles or landlines with inclusive minutes/calls.
The call centre is open from 6.00am-11.00pm from Monday to Saturday and from 9.00am-7.00pm on Sunday.
You can book single or return journeys from up to 28 days in advance right up to an hour before you want to travel.
James Price, Transport for Wales CEO, said:
“Bwcabus is a well-used and well-loved service for the people of Carmarthenshire and further afield, by supporting the existing service with the fflecsi app and TfW’s call centre we will aim to attract even more passengers to fflecsi Bwcabus. This innovative service is an important part of Transport for Wales and the Welsh Government’s vision to reduce car usage and promote greener forms of travel, while also supporting the local economy and ensuring access to public transport.”
Councillor Hazel Evans, Cabinet Member for Environment, Carmarthenshire County Council said: “We’re delighted to be working with Transport for Wales on this new development. As we have seen over the last 12 years with Bwcabus, on demand transport has been extremely popular here and we believe this is a great opportunity to improve the public transport offer across the region and provide our residents with bus services that give more choice and flexibility on their journeys. I’m sure fflecsi Bwcabus will continue to be popular with passengers and we are delighted to be working with our partners to provide public transport services fit for today and the future.”
Cllr. Dafydd Edwards, Cabinet Member for Highways and Environmental Services, Housing and Customer Contact at Ceredigion County Council commented: “fflecsi is an exciting new enhancement to bus services in our region, giving passengers more ways to book and more control over how they get around by providing them with access to reliable and flexible travel options.”
Cllr Phil Baker, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure for Pembrokeshire County Council added: “The TfW fflecsi service has demonstrated how demand responsive transport can play a vital part in transforming public transport in other parts of Pembrokeshire already, and we are delighted to be playing a part in delivering this innovative new service enhancement and learning from the customer and operational feedback provided by the new technology.”
The fflecsi Bwcabus service will be operating across the existing routes in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, and Pembrokeshire.
The LINC II scheme has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.
To find out more, including details of the service, map of the fflecsi zone and how to book, please visit https://www.bwcabus.info or https://fflecsi.wales