Find your past with your local library

Libraries around Denbighshire County now offer the opportunity for library members to take a look into their past, offering access to Find My Past and Ancestry.
Access to these services is free and allow library members to investigate family background and hear the stories of generations past.
These services allow a deeper look into family trees and unlock stories that could’ve otherwise gone undiscovered.
Both services are easy to use on one of the library’s computers, and only a library card and PIN are needed to get started. The 1921 Census data is also available through the Find my Past service.
As well as personal history, each library in the county has a section dedicated to local history books, allowing a peek into the past of the local area.
Libraries also host meetings by local history groups, book launches and talks.
Councillor Emrys Wynne, Lead Member for Welsh Language, Culture & Heritage said:
“This service offered by our libraries is a brilliant way for people to find out more about their personal history and family tree. It is great that our libraries can offer these family history mapping software services to their members so that they can discover more about their personal history.
“Library members can also explore the history of their local area, with a wide selection of area specific books available at many of our libraries”.
For more information on the library service, please go to: