First Aid at Work Training Course, Baglan Bay – 26/27/28th April 2023 = £160+VAT

Instructor Demonstrating Cpr Chest Compression On A Dummy
Having a qualified First Aider in the workplace is a legal requirement for First Rate Training is holding a 3 Day First Aid at Work Course at Baglan Bay Innovation Centre in Port Talbot.
All employers have a legal duty of care for their employees and under the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981, every workplace (even small ones and self-employed ones) must have a well stocked first aid kit, and an ‘appointed person’ to take charge if first aid is needed.
While smaller workplaces are not required to have a qualified person, it is recommended that they have at least some skills training, but for employers with 25-50 employees, the Health and Safety Executive recommends that you have at least one person trained in Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW).
In workplaces with a higher number of employees, or workplaces with higher risks, it is recommended that you have one fully trained first-aider for every 100 workers.
However, there is an even more important reason to train your employees – they will be able to save lives and assist your people in an emergency.
The course costs £160+VAT per person.
Upon successful completion of this highly interactive first aid course, candidates will receive a certificate valid for 3 years along with a glossy reference manual.
If you would like to reserve a space please email for a booking form or call us on 01792 814700.