First Minister visits Afon Y Felin Primary School

On 16 January, excitement clung to the air at Afon Y Felin Primary School in North Cornelly, with the anticipated arrival of the First Minister, Eluned Morgan. In just a short visit, the First Minister quickly learned of the school which, against the backdrop of socio-economic challenges, champions the children’s self-belief and aspirations.
With a catalogue of achievements and extra-curricular activities secured, ranging from claiming the Siarter Iaith Gold Award for the school’s Welsh efforts on two occasions, to reaching the UK Formula One STEM Challenge Finals, it’s clear why the children walk with their heads held high around the school and spoke with polite confidence to the First Minister.
Moving from class to class, sitting on the carpet with the younger children and singing along to their Welsh songs, asking older pupils pertinent questions, the First Minister’s warmth made all feel at ease.
One pupil said: “She was a lovely lady and sat with me to ask me about my learning. I told her I loved our school.” Another learner added: “We loved singing Welsh songs with the First Minister, she knew all the words too!”
The first female First Minister of Wales also made time to chat with parents of the school, seeking their views on a variety of topics. She said: “I was delighted to visit Afon Y Felin Primary School – I received such a warm welcome from the staff and pupils. It is a wonderful school and everyone, staff, pupils and their families, must be very proud!”
Speaking of their renowned guest, Head of School, Denise Jones, commented: “The First Minister was eager to meet everyone in the school and listen to all their views. It was particularly wonderful to watch the children of the Criw Cymraeg speak to her about Cymraeg in Afon Y Felin. She listened enthusiastically and praised them for their passion for the language and their roles.”
Acting Executive Headteacher, Katrina Pryse, added: “Afon Y Felin Primary School was delighted to welcome The First Minister of Wales. She was keen to understand the financial challenges schools are facing, and how we are successfully delivering the Curriculum for Wales.
“Our pupils were proud to present to her the exciting opportunities the school is offering them, helping them to understand and feel proud of their Welsh heritage, which is a key driver for learning and teaching.”
Cllr Martyn Jones, Cabinet Member for Education and Youth Services, said: “What a huge honour that the First Minister, Eluned Morgan, should choose to stop at one of our schools during her flying visit to Bridgend County Borough.
“Afon Y Felin Primary School is a fantastic example of the wonderful work that happens consistently in schools across the county borough.
“This has also been a great opportunity to showcase the particular talents of the staff and pupils at Afon Y Felin Primary School – the humble appearance of the seventies school build certainly doesn’t reflect the dynamic and wonderful happenings going on inside the building.
“Well done all, you have made us very proud with your exemplary standards!”
Images: The First Minister meeting the pupils from the different classes in Afon Y Felin Primary School.