Flying Start expansion
Newport’s Flying Start programme is growing to include even more children from this autumn.
It is the first phase of the Welsh Government’s plan to expand early years provision for all two-year-olds and includes all four elements of Flying Start:
- Part-time, high quality childcare for two-year-olds
- Parenting support
- Enhanced health visitor support
- Support for speech, language and communication
In Newport, more than 2,000 children are already eligible for Flying Start and the expansion means another 187 children will qualify.
Newport City Council, in partnership with Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, will be contacting families in three new parts of the city to explain they can now also join the scheme.
Councillor Debbie Harvey, the council’s cabinet member for community wellbeing, said: “Flying Start is a fantastic scheme and I’m delighted that we are now able to offer this provision to more families in more areas of the city.
“Those eligible will received 12.5 hours of funded, high-quality children for 39 weeks of the year, delivered by qualified workers who can support children’s development and nurturing.
“Children under four will also benefit from an enhanced health visiting programme and access to speech, language and communication support where it is needed.
“Parents and carers will also be offered opportunities to learn more about parenting skills that can help to support their child’s development, care and wellbeing.”
For more information on Flying Start in Newport visit