Budding entrepreneurs are to be given a helping hand make their dreams a reality, thanks to a unique partnership between a leading business school and a host of North Wales organisations.

North Wales Employability Subgroup whose membership includes housing associations, councils, further education, and job support groups are funding a two-week project with the PopUp Business School.

Designed to inspire people and help them find the confidence to develop their business ideas, the PopUp Business School is aimed at everyone, from those with no cash or experience to fledgeling start-ups that need guidance to keep on track.

For two weeks, start-ups will be able to have free access online to practical sessions, one-to-one coaching, workshop sessions and local peer support.

Charitable housing association Grŵp Cynefin is one of the partners. Chief Executive Shan Lloyd Williams explained why they got involved.

“2020 has been a challenging year on many fronts, but one thing we have established from talking to our tenants and contacts is people are thinking differently about what they want to do and how they earn a living in the future,” she said.

“Nationally, we have seen examples of people who have turned a dining table business idea into an online success, making the most of that lockdown time. So many organisations have stepped up to fund this as, collectively, we know North Wales has many creative and forward-thinking people who would benefit from a helping hand to get started or to take their business to the next level. What we are offering is completely free advice from business experts.”

Attendees can expect a completely different approach to starting a business. Anyone enrolled on the course will be linked with local providers who can help them continue once the course has finished.

Simon Paine, PopUp Business School co-founder and CEO, said: There’s nothing better than meeting someone with no business experience and guiding them through their first sale – it can transform lives.

“You don’t need money, experience or a university degree to start a business. You just need an idea, some passion, and a bit of help. Many of those attending will leave with a business and a first sale. Those who don’t will still take away business skills, practical advice and confidence.”

At a similar event held in May, over a quarter of attendees started a new business and gained their first sale within five days.

David Roberts, Chair of the North Wales Regional Skills Partnership, added: “While the PopUp Business team has a great track record of inspiring new businesses, they also introduce and talk about a range of work-focused skills aimed at helping people improve their job prospects, particularly if setting up a business is currently a step too far. We are pleased to be supporting a project which promises to be transformative for so many people across North Wales.”

The PopUp Business School welcomes people of all ages who are thinking about self-employment.

For more information or to book a free place, visit:
