Funding for edible forest garden in Pyle

Funded by Welsh Government’s Local Places for Nature together with support from the Bridgend Local Nature Partnership, Pyle Community Council is set to receive £50k to transform derelict land that was once tennis courts into an edible forest garden.
Situated at the rear of Pyle Swimming Pool, the land is earmarked for broadleaf trees, fruit trees, shrubs and wildflowers, as well as stone dust paths and seating around the site. All of the plants planned for the space will either be edible or useful in some other way, such as providing shelter for a range of wildlife. Information about habitats and the species that they can accommodate will also be displayed throughout the garden.
Local artist, Nigel Talbot, has created timber structures which will have embedded ceramics, created by learners from Mynydd Cynffig and Pil Primary Schools, as well as Cynffig Comprehensive School. Local schools will be encouraged to continue their connection with the project by using the land to deepen pupils’ understanding of biodiversity.
Councillor Rhys Watkins, Chair of Pyle Community Council, said: “We are very grateful to have received this funding – it will make a significant difference to the area and provide a valuable educational resource for the children of Kenfig Hill and Pyle. For a number of years this land has been derelict, but it will now become a tranquil, natural space to be enjoyed by all of our community.”
Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, Councillor John Spanswick, said: “We are extremely excited about the venture planned for the unused land behind Pyle Swimming Pool. The edible forest garden promises to offer a range of health and wellbeing benefits for local residents.
“Linking with many of the local schools, the project has already created strong relations with the community. We look forward to seeing the development of this initiative and the positive impact it will have on the area.”
Image: Plans for an edible forest garden at Pyle.