Future farmers invited to join first college lambing event

Three spring lambs on hillside, backlit by setting sun
COLEG CAMBRIA Llysfasi has Spring in its step ahead of a charity farm day.
Saturday March 9 will be the first time the Denbighshire site has ever hosted an open lambing event, with the public invited to attend.
Lecturers and staff will also be on hand to talk to visitors and prospective students about the many courses and qualifications on offer at Llysfasi, near Ruthin.
The college has more than 800 sheep to lamb during March and April; farm manager Dewi Wyn Jones says this is a fantastic opportunity for people to find out more about agriculture and how the sector operates.
There will also be tractors, a quiz, face painting and a chance to have photos taken with new-born lambs, as well as activities and competitions for all the family.
Proceeds will be donated to the British Heart Foundation, Cambria’s charity partner for 2019.
“We are so delighted to be welcoming everyone to our busy lambing shed at this time of year, as it’s important for us that consumers have an insight into what we do,” said Mr Jones.
“For children especially we are hoping this will be a fun and interesting event, because they are the farmers of the future.
“Let’s just hope the ewes are not too shy on the day and that everyone gets the chance to witness actual lambing taking place!”
For the first six weeks, lambs are born inside the shed and then turned out to pasture with their mothers at a day old – weather permitting – and given extra feed outside to keep them healthy and growing.
Later, as Spring arrives and the weather improves, some of the ewes will lamb (give birth) outside.
“It is a wonderful and fascinating, natural process of farming and one we look forward to sharing with people,” added Mr Jones.
“College staff will be on hand to answer any questions that arise and we look forward to seeing lots of people here on the day to find out more about lambing and studying here at Coleg Cambria Llysfasi.”
The event runs from 10am until 4pm at Coleg Cambria Llysfasi, Ruthin Road, Ruthin.
Visit www.cambria.ac.uk/events for more information.