Future Jobs Wales: Careers Wales launches innovative real-time job information resource

Careers Wales are pleased to announce the launch of a new innovative web resource that provides real-time information on jobs in Wales.
Future Jobs Wales enables users to view up-to-date labour market information (LMI) for specific industries and geographical areas.
Through an interactive webpage, people can look at the particular data they’re interested in.
This ranges from a general overview of a particular industry, through to more granular data including specific skills in demand and key employers within the industry.
This BETA (in development) product represents the first phase of development and focuses on the construction and energy industries in Wales.
The next phase of the resource will include regional LMI followed by the other key industries in Wales. Future Jobs Wales enables customers to:
- Explore what’s new in the industry
- Find out how many people work in the industry
- See whether the industry will grow or shrink
- Compare information at a local, Wales and UK level
- See what jobs are available in the industry and their pay
- Find out what jobs are in demand now and in the future
Emma Blandon, head of digital and communications, said: “Future Jobs Wales is a forward-looking interactive resource which we hope will be a hugely beneficial tool for our customers.
“Information including the scope of jobs within an industry and expected future demand for jobs can be hugely empowering for people trying to decide their next steps.
“This is just the beginning of Future Jobs Wales. We’re really excited to develop the next phase during 2023.”