Global water giant welcomes new reservoir regulations

A GLOBAL water tech giant welcomed the UK Government’s commitment to improve reservoir safety.
The Dam Safety Group – which includes North Wales-based Robertson GEO – says reforms to the regulatory regime and modernisation of the Reservoirs Act 1975 are a positive move for the industry.
The reforms will help to ensure the regulatory regime remains effective and robust in securing the ongoing safety of such critical infrastructure so that those living downstream of reservoirs are protected from flooding which could risk their lives and property.
Environment Minister Steve Double said: “The safety of those living and working near reservoirs must always be a priority.
“By modernising and reforming legislation and regulation regimes, we will help to protect communities and provide them with increased peace of mind.”
Caroline Douglass, Environment Agency Executive Director for Flood and Coastal Risk Management, added: “We look forward to working with Defra, reservoir owners, and engineers to implement these reforms and ensure that reservoirs are regulated using a modern risk-based approach.”
Reform of the regulatory programme will be delivered in collaboration with reservoir owners and engineers over the coming years, with a timeline that will ensure changes can be managed by industry while maintaining ongoing reservoir safety management.
The Dam Safety Group brings together a group of member companies, both instrument OEMs and service contractors, ideally positioned to use proven geophysical technologies, services and products for dam site investigation and monitoring together with seismic monitoring via earthquake early warning and evaluation systems.
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