Glowing Estyn inspection report for leading North Wales college

COLEG CAMBRIA received a glowing report for its further education provision.
Estyn, the education and training inspectorate for Wales, praised the north east Wales institution – which has sites in Deeside, Wrexham, Llysfasi and Northop – for its “clear focus on improving the learning experiences” of students.
Inspectors also referenced Cambria’s “inclusive and caring environment” and highlighted that “most learners feel safe and supported”.
Their report added: “Across the college, learners value the culture that promotes their independence and supports them for progression to the next level and the world of work.
“The curriculum offers a wide range of courses ranging from school links to higher education, which are developed using a wide range of information to identify need and, as a result, they support the needs of learners and employers across the region.
“The chief executive officer, supported by her senior leadership team, governors and staff have established a strategic direction for the college based on a shared vision, mission and strategic goals.
“Underpinning these aims is the desire to develop a culture of openness and transparency and a ‘people-centred’ ethos. Many staff feel valued, included and positive about the strategic direction and they appreciate the strong focus on well-being and support.”
Estyn went on to say the college serves the needs of its communities and has “well-developed partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders” including local authorities, schools, further education colleges, public service boards, the regional skills partnership and employers.
They added the college senior management team has a clear focus on “improving the learning experience” using “comprehensive quality improvement procedures” to inform their practices.
Cambria’s CEO Yana Williams was heartened to receive such a positive inspection and was herself lauded for progress made since her arrival just weeks before the Covid-19 pandemic took hold in the UK three years ago.
“We are pleased Estyn has identified and recognised the areas where we have improved and worked hard to give students the best possible academic and social experience, in a warm, welcoming environment,” said Ms Williams.
“There are, of course, areas we will target to raise the bar even higher – our staff and leadership team constantly strive for better – but are thrilled with the report and thank Estyn for their feedback and support during the process.”
For more news and information from Coleg Cambria, visit