Have your say on Bridgend council’s 2024 to 2025 budget proposals

copyright Lisa Baker 2021
Bridgend County Borough Council has published its Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS), along with its planned budget and a number of proposals for delivering services in 2024/25.
Today (15 January) a public consultation has started and will run until the 4 February 2024, aimed at gathering as many public views as possible from people across the county borough to help shape important budgetary decisions.
The Leader, Cllr Huw David, said: “The council is faced with the most difficult financial pressures it has ever had to contend with. Our settlement figure from Welsh Government represents an increase in funding of £7.4m against known budget pressures of £28m.
“We are dealing with spiralling costs of goods, services, energy, and transport along with a growth in demand for vital frontline services and delivering support to the most in vulnerable people in our communities. The council has no choice but to take urgent action if it is to meet its legal obligation of delivering a fully balanced budget this financial year and we need to find £16m in budget cuts.
“This is why we are proposing to bridge the budget gap through a mixture of internal efficiencies, reducing or changing the services we provide, increasing fees and charges, and raising council tax.”
Cabinet Member for Resources, Cllr Hywel Williams said: “We are seeking your views on our budget proposals which include potential cost savings and income generation between 2024 and 2025.
“We want to know your views on the proposed council tax level, what you think about our spending plans and the council’s approach to balancing the budget.
“Your responses will help inform the final proposals that will be presented at a full council meeting for a decision in February 2024.”
To make your views known about the 2024-25 council budget, and to find out more about how we spend our budget, please visit: www.bridgend.gov.uk The survey closes on Sunday 4 February 2024.
Fill in the survey online or to request a hard copy of the survey, email consultation@bridgend.gov.uk, call 01656 643664.
You can also write to Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB.