Have your say on our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2024-2030


Carmarthenshire County Council is asking its residents for its views and opinions on its Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2024-2030.
Click here to have your say on our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Consultation.
Through the Consultation, the County Council is looking to gather local knowledge about flood-prone areas, historical flooding events, and community-specific vulnerabilities within Carmarthenshire.
Your input into our consultation is important, as local residents and stakeholders often possess unique insights about their locality that can contribute to the development of an effective flood strategy.
Section 10.7 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 requires all Local Authorities to publish their local flood risk management strategy and flood risk management plans.
The strategy, supported by a more tactical plan, will clarify where the Local Authority are now in terms of flood risk management, where it wants to be in 2030, and how it will get there.
Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Decarbonisation and Sustainability – Cllr Aled Vaughan Owen said: “We are asking the public to help shape our flood management policies and strategies.
By taking part in this consultation, residents and stakeholders can influence our approach to flooding and also better understand the rationale behind proposed measures, the potential impacts, and the overall strategy.
“Consulting on the local flood risk management strategy will also enable the dissemination of information regarding flood protection measures, early warning systems, emergency response plans, and evacuation procedures.
“It is our hope that by increasing public awareness, communities will become better prepared and more resilient to floods.”
Carmarthenshire County Council’s Consultation on its Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2024-2030 is open until 5pm on Friday, 12 April 2024.