Honour for biodiversity volunteers

Volunteers supporting a county biodiversity project have been recognised for their dedication.
Following a recent visit to Denbighshire County Council’s local provenance tree nursery at St Asaph, the High Sheriff of Clwyd, Kate Hill-Trevor has awarded a High Sheriff’s certificate to the group of volunteers supporting the site fortheir valuable services to the community.
The tree nursery project is funded by Welsh Government through the Local Places for Nature grant, aims to provide native trees and wildflowers to support the county’s biodiversity.
Through the help volunteers who visit the site every week to help, 16,760 acorns were sown at the end of 2023, the number is in addition to 11,500 trees currently growing at the nursery which include pedunculate oak, sessile oak, sweet chestnut, silver birch, alder, wych elm and goat willow.
When ready the trees will be planted locally to help support nature and surrounding local communities.
Volunteer help has also supported staff with the growing of 13,000 wildflowers this season, including ox eye daisy, knapweed, field scabious, selfheal, yarrow, wild carrot, red campion, bladder campion, buttercup, Birds foot trefoil and ladies bedstraw.
These are planted at existing meadows or local school meadow projects to help enhance areas for the benefit of nature and improve the well-being of all ages living near the sites.
Mrs Hill-Trevor, who is one of 55 High Sheriffs in England and Wales appointed by His Majesty King Charles III to represent the Sovereign in matters of law and order, said following her visit to the site: ““I thoroughly enjoyed a recent visit to Denbighshire County Council’s Tree Nursery at St Asaph where I met Neil Rowlands and some of the volunteers who have helped develop the site into the incredible facility it is today.
“The nursery is an outstanding example of how we can help reverse some of the negative impacts happening in today’s environments while keeping a keen eye on good biosecurity and sustainability.
“Once ready, these trees and wildflowers to go out into Denbighshire’s wildflower verge projects, nature reserves and other biodiversity projects bringing multiple benefits to local communities and wildlife.
“Also engaging with local college students and school groups, I understand that the project is hoping to develop these opportunities further providing a wonderful opportunity for people to get out in the countryside and learn about theimportance of local provenance and the variety of plants we have here in North Wales.”
“Well done to the Council and the team of volunteers who are a vital part of the work carried out there.”
Cllr Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said: “We are really grateful for the visit from Mrs Hill-Trevor to the tree nursery and for the recognition she has given to our fantastic volunteers at the site who through their dedication and support have helped us grow the nursery into an important resource for local biodiversity.”