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How can you know if an online casino is safe? Our guide

Over the space of three decades, the internet has gone from an exciting new invention to an integral part of society that billions of people would be unable to live without. Original concerns that emerged before the widespread use of the internet revolved around the security of the service and how susceptible it was to an attack. These initial trepidations were off the mark, and the internet, by design, is the most highly secure network available, involving layers of encryption and companies that specialize in cybersecurity worth billions.

Any website or company that stores information pertaining to bank information, credit cards or personally identifiable details such as passport numbers, driver’s licenses, dates of birth and addresses are more prominent targets for a cyberattack than websites that don’t store this information on their servers. Online casinos fit into a high-risk bracket and are consistently targeted by cybercriminals and hacking groups due to the value of their data.

A solid track record

There are so many components that comprise a top-quality casino. Security is paramount, and they spend considerable time and resources on ensuring they have the best security, which can be a solid long-term investment. The online casinos with top rankings will have a clean track record; they are providers that rank security as the highest priority, and although they might take an initial financial hit when establishing their site, by ensuring they have the best cybersecurity network and consultants and the highest levels of encryption, they put themselves in an excellent position to rise through the ranks.

It only takes one bad news story to bring the reputation of an online casino into disrepute. If that story involves compromised sensitive information, it could do significant, lasting damage to their reputation, business model and profitability. Top online casinos will have a clean track record, usually by ranking security at the pinnacle of importance. With so many competitors itching to get new customers, any news of a hack and a tarnished track record could spell disaster. It also highlights that the casino might not be as secure as others.


Levels of encryption they use

So how do casinos ensure that they don’t become victims of a hack or that their site is compromised anyway? Encryption is the go-to security model for many financial institutions. It doesn’t matter if it’s a casino or a bank. Encryption is the most effective way to keep hackers at the door. Casinos will use either 128- or 256-bit encryption, and you can often check this on the site or by asking their customer service department what encryption levels they use. Although AES-256-bit encryption is the most secure on the market, 128-bit has never been subject to a hack either, so if a casino uses either, this is a sign that they take encryption and security extremely seriously.


Staff and company culture

Encryption isn’t the only way that casinos keep their information secure. Basic principles and security seminars with staff are another excellent way to ensure that any phishing e-mail attempts or other illicit ways to gain access to customer information are nipped in the bud. While a casino might not outright say on its website that it encourages this culture, some will highlight how important it is to ensure staff are knowledgeable about the dangers of data breaches. Again, you can ask the customer service department of an online casino, and they will usually be more than happy to answer this question.


Number of licenses

For any casino to operate online, it must be registered in a gambling jurisdiction. You can quickly check the license of the casino on their home page, where they must include their licensing numbers and the commission with which they are registered in the footer of the landing page on their site. Almost every casino you use will have their primary license with Malta, Cyprus, Gibraltar or another country that allows the most accessible route to legally establishing their online casino.

However, the more prominent names with multinational operations will have jumped through more hoops and have a better foothold within the industry. This could be a local state body that has licensed the casino to operate in the US or the UK Gambling Commission, both of which have stricter requirements than Malta and Gibraltar. For big casinos to register with these governing bodies, there are usually significant fees involved, and applications can take many months.

While casino companies won’t be punching the air when going through this process, in the long run, it shows that they have strong working relationships with reputable commissions on a global scale. If you are subject to a breach or your information is compromised, you can raise the issue directly with prominent gambling commissions in the US or the UK, whereas other countries might be more problematic.

Other considerations

Although cybercriminals are constantly looking for ways to breach websites and steal information, the vast majority of casino companies use all of the tools we listed above to keep attackers at bay. There is also a personal element that shouldn’t be overlooked. You can follow simple steps to keep your information as secure as possible.

Although a lot of it might sound pretty basic, sometimes the most direct route cybercriminals take is to target you directly by asking you to click on a scam link or unleash a virus that compromises any anti-virus that hasn’t been recently updated.

Unfortunately, criminals who operate online with such a low moral compass will attempt to breach your details using the most effective route, which can often be when you let your guard down. As long as you stay ahead and secure your information, online casinos will usually do the same. If something sounds too good to be true, or you feel suspicious about a phone call or e-mail, it’s always best to go with your gut and contact the company directly. This applies to casino companies as well as banks; it is always better to be safe than sorry.



There’s a strong mutual interest between casino companies and customers to ensure that your information is under lock and key at all times. If information falls into the wrong hands, it spells disaster for the casino company. It causes weeks, potentially months, of anguish, knowing that your information is for sale on the dark web or is being used by criminals.

Of the variables we discussed today, ensuring that a website uses premium encryption levels, doesn’t have a history of cyberattacks and has multiple licenses within the key, prominent economies are among the most effective ways to tell whether an online casino is safe. Unfortunately, no casino is impenetrable, regardless of their size.

By using strong encryption with a proven, working track record and ensuring they stay ahead of the curve, casinos stand an excellent chance of not being victims of a breach and, most importantly, keeping your information secure. As there is so much competition and profit in the casino industry, the bottom line is that almost all casinos aim to keep your data as safe as possible. However, some prioritize these essential components, and they are the providers to seek out.


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