How Does Breakdown Cover Work?
Breakdown cover is an insurance policy that aids drivers with repairing a vehicle if a fault occurs. Many people can assume that all types of breakdown cover are the same, but the way it works can depend on the type of breakdown cover used.
In most instances, a trained mechanic will be sent to the location of a driver who is experiencing difficulty with their vehicle. This can include the drive of their home as well as those in remote locations.
There can also be different levels of breakdown cover to consider, so research is vital when searching for a policy that meets the requirements of drivers.
The following is an overview of the different types of breakdown cover available, as well as some of the considerations that need to be made when choosing a policy.
Is Breakdown Cover a Legal Requirement?
First-time drivers can find the paperwork that needs to be completed regarding vehicle ownership overwhelming, and many can be unsure as to whether breakdown cover is a legal requirement. Unlike car insurance, breakdown cover is not a legal requirement. However, this doesn’t mean the benefits of a breakdown cover policy should be overlooked.
What Are the Benefits of Breakdown Cover?
Although breakdown cover is not a legal requirement, many drivers rely on these types of policies to provide peace of mind regarding their vehicle and the safety of those in the vehicle.
Can Be More Cost Effective Than Dealing with Repairs Alone
Although no one likes to assume the worst, knowing the potential pitfalls of vehicle ownership ensures that drivers are always safeguarded, regardless of how serious the fault is.
Plenty of Flexibility Regarding Policies
Many insurance companies realise the circumstances of each driver are different, which is why they provide several types of policies that can meet the requirements of most drivers.
Prompt Assistance
Regardless of whether drivers are travelling locally or further afield, having breakdown cover in place ensures that prompt assistance from a professional is only a phone call away.
What Types of Breakdown Cover are Available?
The type of breakdown available can depend on the policy provider, but the following is an overview of the most common types of breakdown cover.
Roadside Assistance
Commonly referred to as basic cover, roadside assistance is a form of breakdown cover that aids drivers who experience problems while travelling. If the mechanic is not able to remedy the problem at the roadside, then the vehicle will be towed to a local garage.
Roadside assistance is ideal for those wanting to avoid expensive call-out fees. However, not all policies provide cover for alternative transport or accommodation, so this will need to be ascertained before agreeing to a policy.
At Home Assistance
Despite the benefits of roadside assistance, some will be searching for a policy that protects them when closer to home. Those concerned about breaking down near home can take advantage of at-home breakdown cover, also referred to as home start.
This type of policy will aid drivers who have problems starting their vehicle in the morning or break down within a quarter of a mile of their home.
National Recovery
Although some drivers only travel short distances, others will have to commute several miles daily. National recovery breakdown cover is similar to roadside assistance but does not have limits on where the vehicle can be transported to. This provides long-distance drivers with peace of mind during long journeys.
Onward Travel
There will be instances when drivers break down far from their homes, so it’s important the journey can be continued, regardless of the outcome of a faulty vehicle. Not all onward travel policies are the same, but all will aim to help drivers continue their journey via the use of a hire car, or paying for public transport.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Breakdown Cover
Although the concept of breakdown cover can seem straightforward, personal circumstance means it can be difficult to ascertain which policy is the best fit. The following is an overview of some of the frequently asked questions regarding breakdown cover.
Does a Breakdown Policy Cover the Driver or The Vehicle?
There are two levels of breakdown cover available depending on your circumstances. Personal breakdown cover is a policy that focuses on the driver, so they will be covered regardless of the vehicle they’re driving.
Vehicle breakdown cover is for one vehicle only, although there are instances when multiple vehicles can be added to a policy.
Will I Be Covered Every Day of the Year?
As breakdown cover policies can vary, drivers can be uncertain whether they will be covered every day of the year.
According to Dynamo Cover, an insurance company based in South Wales, when you take out a breakdown cover policy with them, they’ll not only provide 365-day 24/7 cover, but they’ll also aim to assist with your broken-down car within 40 minutes.
Do Breakdown Policies Cover Lost Keys?
As with other areas of breakdown cover, whether lost keys are included in the policy can depend on the provider. However, in most instances those providing breakdown cover can provide drivers with prompt service should they lose their keys or lock them in the vehicle.
Will a Breakdown Cover Policy Affect a No-Claims Bonus?
One of the main misconceptions regarding a breakdown cover policy is that it affects a driver’s no-claims bonus, but this isn’t the case. Even if breakdown cover is provided by the same company as vehicle insurance, they are two separate policies. As such, one will not affect the other.
Due diligence is needed when searching for breakdown cover, but those searching for a reputable and reliable breakdown cover specialist in South Wales will find everything they’re looking for with Dynamo Cover.