How Low Code Development Can Support Your Business In a Pandemic

With employees called to work from home, employers need software and hardware to support them – which has meant many businesses moving to cloud based software, apps and remote technology.
IT departments and IT support providers across Wales have been put under strain like never before, with many local councils and Government departments facing the same challenges as Welsh business owners to relocate a large workforce to a whole new way of working. Many succeeded against all odds, but where businesses did not have any existing infrastructure, and new software was required, sometimes accessing data from multiple legacy database architectures, traditional development techniques could not respond quickly enough.
The solution proved to be low-code. Low-code platforms facilitate faster app development with low skill demand, because it allows the use of citizen developers while still allowing traditional developers to do the more complex tasks.
Some of the key business aspects supported by this app development platform are loaning and credit platforms, employee and task management systems, data coding and access among other workflow aspects that have been developed rapidly to support the move to WFH.
Supply Chains
The pandemic also disrupted traditional supply and demand for hospital goods and services. Low code supports the rapid creation of robust systems for the detection and monitoring of the virus. This also helps in general workflow operations such as prioritizing, monitoring Covid-19 cases and tracking prevalence.
Low code’s ability to speed up software development offers new ways to help vulnerable citizens such as people living with disabilities, people with chronic diseases and the elderly, to gain access to care and even medicine remotely.
Support Communities
Community support in pre-COVID-19 situations was very different during the pandemic. People needed more food and emotional support than before and due to stay-home measures in place, one way was to provide these services through mobile apps.
Low code helps to create apps faster to meet demands, as well as offering the ability to quickly re-purpose existing apps, such as those used for ordering or learning. As a result, more relevant services were brought closer to the community than before. The instant lessons that people get from these apps make healing processes faster, increase the confidence of business operators and generally makes the community more stable to cope with the situation and to continue with ‘virtual business as usual’.
Low Code And The Arts
Welsh Artistic performers have been hit hard by the pandemic, with many of them losing their income altogether. Rising talents who are no longer able to perform on stage are now looking for ways to perform online, with low code offering the chance to build platforms for virtual concerts. Meanwhile, artists and art galleries are finding new, virtual ways to reach their audiences – and low code development will help them to develop apps to show their creations to their audience more quickly.
Although the experience may be very different from what clients get from an actual concert inside a hall, or a visit to a gallery – audiences at home are bored and looking for entertainment. Low code is enabling ‘non-developers’ to create new platforms and boost their business with virtual experiences. That is the key to keeping their audience engaged until lockdown ends.