Nobody likes bird droppings and nests on top of their commercial properties. It’s unpleasant, unhygienic, and unimpressive – especially for the customers. They would rather choose a better-looking place than a pigeon-infected one. 

So, if you’re a commercial property owner with birds crowding the roofs, don’t panic because solutions exist. In today’s post, we will talk about pigeon pest control on commercial properties in great detail. Let’s dive in!


What Damage Can Birds Do?

Birds can do a lot of damage to your property. To begin, their notorious habit of pecking punctures the roof and surfaces. The little holes eventually become huge holes when the wind and rain cause erosion. 

Another damage is bird droppings. Since they are acidic, leaving them for a long can cause erosion. If you get them cleaned every day, you can end up wasting a lot of money on just bird droppings.

The next and most dangerous damage is bird nests. These wooden bunches can get stuck in the drainage system, impair it, and lead to leakages. They can also get stuck in chimneys and create a fire hazard.


How to Control Birds on Commercial Properties?

Birds are indeed harmful to your property, but you don’t have to bear the damage. There are several ways to control the movement and interaction of birds with your property. These include:


Bird Spikes

We place spiked fences around our house to prevent the entrance of thieves. So why not use the same strategy for birds?

The bird spikes are small spiky layers designed for roofs. They are typically made up of stainless steel and can be installed in a discreet manner. This keeps the birds away while ensuring that the outlook of your property isn’t ruined.

If chimneys and gutters open on your house roof, we also recommend spikes for them. It will prevent all types of birds from resting on the surface and making nests.


Audio Deterrents

Audio deterrents refer to devices that play distressful music and sounds for birds. Whenever a bird sits on the property, the device will detect the movement and play the audio. This will scare the bird away.

However, this will not fully protect the property against damage. The birds may have already punctured the roof or left droppings before the device can detect and play the audio. Plus, the loud sounds may distress the people passing by too.



A scarecrow is the most traditional way to keep the birds away from your property. Farmers have always protected their crops using them. So, using them against pigeons, crows, and other city birds sounds promising.

You can install small scarecrows at different points on the roof and high walls. When the birds see it, they will be scared and will fly away. But you need to build a really good scarecrow for that.

Some modern scarecrow alternatives include connected balloons and a series of reflective panels. They are cheap and readily available. You can choose them to save on scarecrow building costs.

Also, it’s best to use the scarecrows along with an audio deterrent. This will amplify the effect and will keep even the bigger vultures at a distance.


Chemical Repellents

Chemical repellents are substances rubbed onto the property surface. Or blocks of it are placed with intervals. They cause discomfort to birds when they sit on the surface – prompting them to leave.

If the birds have already made nests around or on your property, it will take more than repellents to do the job. You will need chemical birth control methods to lessen the bird population. This can be done by using pigeons and other bird-specific oral contraceptives.

Egg oiling is another method where newly-laid eggs are covered with paraffin BP to block access to oxygen. But since this is both inhumane and costly, we don’t recommend it. Instead, you can hire professionals to remove the complete nests and place them elsewhere.


Last Words

All in all, controlling birds on commercial properties isn’t a difficult task. But one that should be done as quickly as possible.

Letting the birds flock and nest on your properties can cause long-term damage. It can lead to a bird infestation, destroy the beauty of your buildings, and trigger fires. If you want to avoid all this, take immediate action!