How to Prepare for Your Driving Test

Early in 2021, the number of young drivers had reached a historic low – a combination of coronavirus lockdowns and a rising cost of living had been deterring applicants for some time. But now, applications are bouncing back, and many young learners are hoping to fast-track their education. However, fast-tracking may not be the best route to obtaining a license. These are some basic tips to assist in preparations for an upcoming driving test, to increase the chances of success.
Take Lessons
While this entry may seem to be a common-sense solution, and particularly self-explanatory, it bears repeating to many drivers on the cusp of taking their test. This is because there is no maximum number of lessons you can take before taking your test. Getting your license is not a race to the finish; you can, and should, take your time getting comfortable with driving, and nailing down the parts with which you are struggling. You can ask your instructor to focus on specific manoeuvres in order to build your experience, giving you a higher chance of a first-time pass.
Know What to Expect
Make sure you do your research on what constitutes your driving test, before you go ahead and book it. Knowing exactly what will be expected of you in order to pass will give you important knowledge ahead of the test, as well as ample time to prepare yourself correctly. For example, your practical driving test is not entirely judged on your driving; there is a section known as ‘show me, tell me’, in which your examiner will ask you one ‘show me’ question and one ‘tell me’ question regarding car safety. As an example, one such question from the pool of potential questions regards how to find information on correct tyre pressure. To answer this, you would not need to reference the brand of tyre – e.g.: Michelin tyres – but would instead reference reading the manufacturer’s manual to find the answer. Being aware of the questions you might be asked, the route you might take and the manoeuvres you’ll be expected to demonstrate will give you a meaningful head-start.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep
As with any test, preparing yourself physically and mentally is important. Ensuring you are well-fed and well-rested can make all the difference, especially in your practical test when situational awareness and quick reaction times are essential. As such, make sure you get an early night before your test. This might be difficult owing to your nerves, but making an effort to have a good night’s sleep will only improve your chances going into the test centre.
Have Your Documents Ready
Reduce your stress levels ahead of the test by preparing and arranging all of your documents in advance. Pre-test nerves can make you jittery and potentially forgetful, but making sure the administrative side of the test is sorted well before you take it can alleviate some of that anxiety, improving your mood and potentially improving your test performance to boot.