How to protect your car and save on insurance when parking outside this winter

With only one in eight vehicles parking in a garage, the typical car will be spending winter outdoors – at risk of damage and deterioration and even increasing car insurance premiums, according to leading car insurance comparison site
It says that while working from home could result in more vehicles behind left outside, a few simple precautions could help reduce the risk. According to recent figures from the National Travel Survey, just 12% of vehicles are now usually parked in a garage, down from 22% in 2002, although the number parked on private property such as a driveway has increased from 50% to 61% during the same period.
Greg Wilson, Founder of, says: “36% of households across the UK have at least two cars, making parking a real problem for many families. Typically people now use their garage for storage, and park their car on the drive or on the street – especially at Christmas, when people need extra storage for presents and supplies.
“However, with recent restrictions increasing to include a return to working from home, demand for garages to be transformed into a more permanent office space is highly likely to increase – leaving vehicles once again, out in the cold and at risk.
“If motorists park on the street, the vehicle is more at risk of damage and theft, which in turn can increase the cost of the insurance premium.”
Greg offers the following tips:
Park in a well-lit area – if you have to leave your car on the road, try to park under a lamppost and ideally in clear view. If it’s on the drive or at the side of the house, consider security lighting.
Don’t tempt thieves – never leave Christmas presents or valuables in plain sight. While most cars now come with alarms, you can take extra precautions by installing a dashcam or CCTV cameras.
Try to park off road – research by found that policyholders could reduce premiums by an average of £140 by parking on a driveway compared to parking on the road.
Consider erecting a carport – carports can be installed at a relatively low cost and could pay for themselves within two years. Carports do provide some protection from the elements and surprisingly, in some cases, they may be lower risk than a garage because of the possibility of the vehicle being damaged while entering or leaving the garage. In fact,’s research found that carports were the cheapest parking option in terms of insurance, with these policyholders saving an average of £230 compared to drivers who park on the road.
Check what your policy says about parking – often when applying for insurance, drivers will say their vehicle is kept on the driveway or in a garage, then over time they may forget what exactly is indicated on the form. However, if this is the case and you do have to make a claim, the insurer may not pay out. helps around 3 million users every year, with over 400 insurance brands across 60 different products including car insurance, convicted drivers and breakdown cover. is recommended by 97% of reviewers on –