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How to Take Care of Your Dog’s Fur Coat

Our fluffy friend’s fur is one of the features that many of us love. They are soft, cuddly, and enjoyable to stroke. However, what happens when their fur starts to tangle, mat, or shed?

Knowing how to take care of your dog’s fur coat is an important part of any pet parent’s skill set, and this piece is going to run you through how you can do it.

Let’s get into it.


Keep Them Clean

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of taking care of a dog’s fur coat is keeping them clean. A dirty coat can fast become a problem, not to mention it can be uncomfortable for your pup and a nightmare for your home.

Not only is keeping their coat clean a crucial aspect of their care, but you also need to use the right products for their comfort and safety. Did you know that you cannot use human shampoo on dogs because their PH is different? Research brands that are trusted and be sure to get something suitable.


Get Brushing

Much like our own hair, brushing our dog’s hair needs to be done regularly for it to stay healthy. The first step is making sure you have the right brush for your dog’s coat as some may not be suitable. Look at this collection of dog grooming brushes and choose the brush that works with your dog’s coat’s texture.

Brushing your dog’s coat every day will keep it healthy and shiny and will also make for some great bonding time with your pup too. What’s not to love about that?


Proper Nutrition

Making sure you provide your dog with good nutrition has a significant effect on its coat. If they are deficient or lacking in something, you may be able to tell from the health of their hair.

If your dog’s coat is in poor condition, expect to see issues, such as excessive shedding, a dull look to their fur, an unpleasant smell, a brittleness to the hair, or something not right with the coat’s overall appearance. These are tell-tale signs that your pup might not be very well or might not be getting the nutrients they need. If this is the case, a trip to the vet is also important, as they should be able to determine the issue that is affecting their coat.


Add Fatty Supplements

Many of us know how good omega fatty acids are for our hair, skin, and nails as humans, but they are also excellent for our dog’s coat too. Some great sources of fatty acids include vegetable oils, fish oils, mackerel, salmon, and tuna with their current dinner.

However, if your pup is not a fan of fatty fish, then supplements can work too. Just be careful with the dosage to not upset your dog’s stomach.

These are just some of the easiest ways you can take care of your dog’s fur coat to ensure that it is gleaming and healthy.

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