How UK Casinos are using 5G to their advantage


5G is revolutionising the technology world, provisioning both small businesses and customers with the potential to utilise high internet speeds that tend to be reserved for large multinational conglomerates.

In the online casino world, the increasing access to 5G is opening doors in terms of creating opportunities for increased gameplay through mobile options and improved usability, along with an overall more enjoyable experience.

Yet how is this being done?


Advanced gameplay

Typical wifi in any home tends to be on a 2.4ghz frequency, this means a lower bandwidth and slower speeds due to an overcrowded channel of appliances competing for optimal connection – ultimately leading to frustration. Whereas the 5ghz frequency has a proportionately higher bandwidth and exemplary speeds due to the 23 channels in which your devices can use to maximise connectivity.

For online casinos, this presents a blossoming range of opportunities to develop games with a higher graphic quality, which was previously inhibited by the low bandwidth and slow network speeds. Yet with the growing availability of 5G technology, more users will be able to effectively access fast networks so that they can participate in a more stylised and visually impressive casino experience. 5G is creating a stress free way of accomplishing this.


Live table games

Online casinos have always prioritised the emulation of a real-life gambling experience, hence why live table games have always played a crucial role in their business. However, due to network speeds often proving to be restrictive, those using mobile devices have not had the same accessibility to these games as desktop gamblers – until 5G.

High network speeds are now allowing those on mobile phones, tablets, or any other device to easily access live games without compromising the functionality. Those playing will be able to see the dealer and the table and enjoy an efficient game. This promising rise in technology may also continue to develop the services provided by online casinos, with the potential for face to face video calling technology developing gameplay so that all players are visible and able to participate in the most realistic way plausible.

5G could also be combined with technology such as virtual reality to further enhance online casinos by providing a higher level of accessibility to a type of gameplay often reserved from those without the bandwidth to support it.


Faster payment facilitation

Digital payments are rapidly becoming a staple for most people, the ease of transacting money through a series of simple clicks opens up doors for the online gambling industry. However, when in a gameplay environment, the need for fast and efficient network speeds is integral to making payments, but typical wifi speeds can often slow this process.

5G is helping online payments and e-wallets reach new heights within the world of online casinos and online bingo websites by providing increased network speeds to avoid game interruption. It also increases defence against security threats due to the improved security processes within the system, providing that the casino has its own sturdy security system.


More accessible than ever

As mentioned previously, mobile users will have the same access to online tables and slots as those on desktop computers. This increased access provides an entirely new level of convenience for gamblers and will ultimately increase the focus on mobile devices from a gambling perspective.

With numerous casinos offering innovative renditions of their games that are reflective of the games previously reserved solely for a desktop audience. With millions of downloads across all of the top grossing gambling apps, this is a trend set to rise.