Important CBD Laws In The UK

Cannabidiol users, sellers, and producers alike should make themselves familiar with the laws surrounding CBD. The CBD industry in the United Kingdom is highly regulated, and the UK government has regulated CBD in a rather odd and fractured fashion. Here is a quick guide to some of the most important CBD laws in force in the United Kingdom currently, although given the nature of the industry, the information may be subject to change. You should be aware that the law surrounding CBD is constantly evolving as the market expands and diversifies rapidly, so staying up to date is advised.
THC Limits
As you might expect, there is a legal THC limit for CBD products in the UK. The UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA) has set a limit of 0.2% THC – short for tetrahydrocannabinol – in CBD products. THC is the psychoactive compound found in cannabis that produces a high and is restricted in the UK. It stimulates neurons that in turn create a reward feedback loop in the brain.
Products containing more than 0.2% THC are classified as illegal drugs under UK law. The FSA also requires that CBD products undergo a safety assessment and labelling requirements, such as stating the amount of CBD per serving and a warning that the product is not intended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. These regulations aim to ensure that the CBD products that are sold in the UK by legitimate vendors – such as CBD gummies from – are safe and of high quality. Increased regulation has served to increase the amount of trust that audience groups that previously would not have touched a cannabis product have in CBD products.
CBD Weed Is Illegal
In some countries, a product that resembles THC-containing marijuana is sold. It is smoked – just like its THC-containing relative – and takes the form of dried buds. In the UK, this product is illegal despite containing no THC. This is because it is made using parts of the cannabis plant that are controlled in the United Kingdom – namely, the buds. Indeed, you cannot grow a cannabis plant at all in the UK without a license. Sellers need to check that any UK-grown cannabis products that they are trading with are grown in a completely legal way if they want to avoid breaking laws and having their stock confiscated.
CBD Is Classed As A Novel Food
In 2019, the Food Standards Agency agreed to regulate CBD. In order to do so, they classified it as a novel food. There are several laws that manufacturers need to adhere to in order to sell novel food as classified by the FSA. They must apply for premarket authorisation. Novel food premarket authorization is a regulatory process in the UK that ensures the safety and legality of new and innovative food products, including CBD. The process involves submitting a premarket application to the Food Standards Agency that includes scientific evidence of the product’s safety and composition. Once the FSA approves the application, the product can be legally sold as a novel food on the UK market.