News from Wales

Industry heavyweight support for leading degree apprenticeships

GIANTS of manufacturing and engineering have thrown their weight behind leading degree apprenticeships.

The Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering programme delivered by Coleg Cambria’s University Centre and Swansea University has been jointly accredited by the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) and IMechE (Institution of Mechanical Engineers).

IMechE has also accredited the partners’ degree apprenticeship in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering.

Both courses are held one day a week over three years at the college’s Deeside site, with some remote learning in the workplace and time spent on campus in Swansea.

Nick Tyson, Vice Principal for Technology, Engineering and Construction at Cambria, said: “We are delighted to see both degree apprenticeships accredited by sector bodies which are critical to both education and the industries they serve.

“To have their backing in terms of validity and quality is testament to the work that has been done here at Cambria and at Swansea, the true spirit of collaboration and the connections both institutions have in the engineering, advanced manufacturing and aeronautical arenas, at home and on the international stage.”

He added: “The programmes are designed to ensure our work-based graduates have well-rounded, interdisciplinary knowledge ready for their future careers, both academically and, importantly, practically.

“They are tailored to those already employed in manufacturing and engineering, to help them develop, learn new skills, and reach their potential while gaining vital experience and a degree-level qualification.

“For them both be accredited to this standard is a USP for the programmes, and a reflection of how pivotal they have been to our stakeholders and partners in industry over past years.”

Cris Arnold, School Education Lead for Engineering at Swansea University, said: “We have been running the collaborative degrees with Cambria for 10 years now, through the transition from Foundation Degrees to Degree Apprenticeships, so it is an excellent seal of approval to have the programmes accredited by IMechE and RAeS.

“This accreditation enables our graduates to progress on their path to gain the professional recognition of Incorporated or Chartered Engineer status.”

He added: “The partnership with the college is an excellent example of two institutions building on their strengths to support the needs of industry and we see these degree programmes as a four-way partnership between Swansea University, Cambria, our industry partners and our apprentices, with all having a very important role to play.

“The ability to undertake an accredited honours degree while working is an excellent opportunity for those who want to develop their engineering career, and with funding support from the Welsh Government, it can be a very attractive route.”

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