News from Wales

Knowing When It’s Time to Re-Consider Your Modified Car

Transportation can be a major challenge for those with a disability and/or those that care for someone with a disability. Fortunately, modified vehicles can solve many of these challenges either by enabling the individual with a disability to drive safely and comfortably or by making the vehicle wheelchair accessible. Modified cars can be a great solution and improve lives, but it is also important to be aware that there may come a time where further changes might be needed.


Needs May Change

Depending on your condition, you might find that your needs and levels of support from an adapted vehicle change over time. This means that you may need to think about having further changes made to your vehicle or possibly even buy a new vehicle from a specialist like Allied Mobility to suit your needs.



One of the more common issues that arises when people have a condition which worsens over time is using the transmission. Many people start off comfortably being able to drive a manual, but over the years as their condition gets worse, they might find that this becomes more challenging which means that they may need to switch to automatic transmission.


Boot Size

Boot size is another aspect which needs to be considered. Initially, an individual may not require much boot space other than a frame which you could easily fit in the boot. Over time, your needs might change and you may need a wheelchair and/or other equipment to help. Obviously, this creates a challenge and you will need to have a wheelchair accessible vehicle that can make it easy, comfortable and safe to transport a wheelchair user and other passengers.


Interior Space

Following this point, interior space can also be a problem that arises over time. In addition to possibly needing a larger boot, you may also need to upgrade to a car with more space inside in case the family gets any larger or perhaps you need a carer. Situations change over time and having a car with a large enough interior is important for any motorist to carry out their daily activities.


Driving Aids

People might also find that driving and steering can become more challenging if their condition worsens over time. Fortunately, there are many excellent steering aids that a car can be modified with to help an individual to drive comfortably, safely and with confidence. This could include joystick steering, hand controls, left foot accelerators and electric accelerators just to name a few adaptations.


Modified vehicles can provide a great deal of freedom and flexibility for those with a disability and their carers/family. It is important to be wary that your needs may change over time, though, so you need to plan ahead and be aware of what further adaptations could be made to help.

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