Launch of local café that makes a difference

Local home care company, Home Instead Swansea is opening a brand new Memory Café, which will be free for those living with dementia and their carers to enjoy a range of activities together and share experiences.
Home Instead Swansea’s Memory Cafes will host guest speakers and run activities such as soft sports, tai chi, choirs and more, along with refreshments. The sessions will provide social stimulation, health and wellness benefits for older people who don’t get out of the house often.
The first café event welcomes special guests from Rise which lead a soft-seated sports session. Rise delivers group activities to help keep older people mobile, whilst enhancing social interaction and mental stimulation.
Kate Webb, Marketing Manager, comments, “We are very excited about the launch of our new Memory Café at St Barnabas Church. We have developed a strong partnership with the church and are looking forward to welcoming you to the informal sessions where everyone is welcome.
“The café will provide an opportunity for anyone with dementia, their carers, friends and family members, and others just looking for company, to come to meet likeminded people and share experiences.
“With good care and support provision, older people can continue enjoying a high quality of life, and we’re so proud to provide valuable care, companionship and support that enables this to happen. We have a special interest in dementia services and hope this can be the start of our contribution to making Swansea dementia friendly.”
The first café will be held on 1st of March, 11am – 1pm at St Barnabas Church and will be held fortnightly thereafter. All sessions are open to the community, with no need to book.
For more information regarding Home Instead or the Memory Café please call on 0179 279 0890 or visit;
Photo caption: The Home Instead team holding flyers for the launch of their wellbeing café.