Liam Evans-Ford to chair Creu Cymru

Theatr Clwyd’s Executive Director has been named the new Chair of Welsh theatre and arts centre development agency Creu Cymru. Evans-Ford joined the board of Creu Cymru in April 2017 and will take over from outgoing Chair, Geoff Cripps.
Louise Miles-Payne, Director of Creu Cymru said:
“I’m thrilled that Liam is taking on the role of Chair of Creu Cymru. He is a great supporter of Creu Cymru and passionate about enabling our organisation to reach its full potential”.
Liam Evans-Ford, Theatr Clwyd’s Executive Director and incoming Chair of Creu Cymru said:
“It is a great honour take on chair responsibilities at Creu Cymru during it’s 20th anniversary year. Creu Cymru has been a vital part of representing the theatres and arts centres in Wales, and as the sector emerges from the Covid-19 pandemic, will become increasingly important to help offer a unified voice for the wider theatre sector in Wales and its prominence within the UK. AsCreu Cymru grows into this role it could prove transformational for theatres, makers and communities in Wales.”
Creu Cymru works to support venues in the heart of communities across Wales. Their members represent Wales’ professionally run venues. In 2020 Creu Cymru has played a vital role in supporting Welsh arts organisations. Successes have included regular advocacy meetings with Welsh Government discussing reopening and sector support, the creation of ‘Llaw/Hand’, a new fund supporting organisations impacted by the Covid 19 pandemic, a bilingual toolkit to support audience communication as well as vital networking and training programmes about artistic planning, campaigning, marketing, wellbeing and participation.
Find out more at | Follow on twitter @CreuCymru