Licensing of Dog Breeding in Carmarthenshire – consultation now open

Carmarthenshire County Council is seeking the views of its residents and key stakeholders on its dog breeding licensing function.
Click here access the Licensing of Dog Breeding in Carmarthenshire consultaion
The Council’s Place, Sustainability and Climate Change Scrutiny Committee has convened a Task and Finish Group to review the dog breeding licensing function of the Consumer and Business Affairs Animal Health team.
The review aims to assess if the current service provision is sufficiently robust, consistent, coordinated, provides measurable outcomes, presents value for money, and to explore opportunities for improvement.
The Consultation is open until Tuesday, 15 May 2024, and the views of Carmarthenshire residents and stakeholders will be fed back to the Scrutiny Task and Finish Group for consideration and form part of their review.
Upon completion of the review, a final report, which will include recommendations to the Cabinet, will be considered by the Place, Sustainability and Climate Change Scrutiny Committee later this year.