Litchard Primary School awarded for commitment to Welsh language

Litchard Primary School has received a Cymraeg Campus Gold Award for their hard work in developing the Welsh language.
The award, which is run by the Language Charter, aims to promote a strong Welsh ethos in schools and to provide a range of enriching activities that encourage children to enjoy learning the language.
As part of the journey to achieving the Gold Award, pupils and staff at Litchard Primary School promoted the Welsh language through listening to Welsh music during assemblies, made posters promoting the importance of learning Welsh and used a variety of Welsh apps and books to enhance learning.
The school were also driven by an enthusiastic Criw Cymraeg – a group of pupils put in charge of leading initiatives, encouraging all pupils and staff to use Welsh every day as well as promoting Welsh culture.
Initiatives implemented by the Criw Cymraeg included creating a ‘Pod Siarad’ in the school yard, which provides an area for all children to speak Welsh, and a ‘Wal Graffiti’ across various points of the school with phrases that encourage the use of the Welsh language.
The Criw Cymraeg were also involved in the wider community, helping to promote Welsh in a local shop, where they provided the owner with a range of phrases that they could use to communicate with customers.
Sandra Harris, the Welsh co-ordinator at Litchard Primary School, said: “It has been a pleasure and joy to see the children’s commitment and motivation in developing the Welsh language across the school and within the local community.
“Without this effort and enthusiasm, we would not have achieved this success.”
Cllr Charles Smith, Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration, said: “Everyone at Litchard Primary School has worked hard to achieve the Cymraeg Campus Gold Award and are thoroughly deserving of it.
“The pupils, and in particular the Criw Cymraeg, have come up with a range of brilliant initiatives to promote the Welsh language not only in the school but also in the wider community.”