Llangennech Residents Encouraged to Have Their Say on Flood Mitigation Plans

Llangennech, an area to the North East of Llanelli currently faces several flood risks posed by low lying land and flooding risk from it’s proximity to the Morlais River. The Welsh Government is encouraging residents to have their say as they consider possible schemes to reduce the potential risk of future floods in the village and surrounding community.
Carmarthenshire County Council is planning an in-person consultation event with residents, businesses and stakeholders in Llangennech on Wednesday, April 19 between 2pm-7pm at Llangennech Community Centre to help them assess potential flood mitigation options to reduce flood risk to residents in the village and investigate future funding mechanisms for the scheme.
Officers from the Council’s Flood Defence and Coastal Protection Team and WSP Consultants will be available throughout the session to answer any queries.
The Project Team want to understand the impact flooding has on the community and to assess different potential flood measures that will reduce the impact during increasingly stormy weather in the future.
Members of the public will be able to submit their comments and feedback in person to the Project Team on the day, or by writing their comments down and leaving them in a box located at the venue.
Feedback from the event will feed into the next stage of the work and form part of any decision making that Carmarthenshire County Council and Welsh Government will undertake to design and implement any flood risk reduction scheme.
Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste and Infrastructure Services, Cllr. Edward Thomas said: “We will be hosting a consultation event at Llangennech to discuss flood mitigation and to listen to residents’ views on how we can best protect homes and businesses in the village from flooding. I would encourage as many residents as possible that are living in Llangennech to come along and give their opinions.”
The Llangennech Flood Mitigation Public Consultation Event will take place on Wednesday, April 19 2pm-7pm at Llangennech Community Centre.