Local Four Us Set To Launch A Book Club called ‘Book Klub’ To Help Young Writers

Local Four Us formerly known as ‘Data House Wales’ are now set to launch a new book club website called ‘Book Klub’.

Book Klub is set to launch to be a showcase to help new young writers to get their work showcased on the website. They will get their books or magazines published on the website and ready for people to read. Book Klub would welcome any young writer to submit their work and have it showcased on the website.

Local Four Us Book Klub is launching for a new platform for young writers to be heard on. The goal is also to help young people to read more and to discover more stories that they might of imagined.

Book Klub will work via being a website and have the books hosted on the website, similar to being a video streaming site, but instead you can stream books and magazines online.

Finally Book Klub welcomes new writers and magazines company to contact them and get their work publish for free today.

For more information please visit www.localfourus.com