Local housebuilder marks NHS 75th anniversary — with extension of its Key Worker Deposit Scheme
To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the National Health Service, Barratt Developments South Wales is helping all NHS workers to afford a new home — by contributing towards their deposits.
The local housebuilder is extending its existing Key Worker Deposit Contribution scheme for another six months — to help NHS and front-line workers afford a new home.
The scheme means NHS workers can be offered £1,000 as a deposit contribution for every £20,000 of a home’s purchase price. For example, for a home costing £325,000, NHS workers would qualify for a contribution of £16,250. What’s more, there is also funding towards flooring, worth up to a further 1% of the value of the home.
Originally launched in October 2022, the scheme has helped around 2,000 NHS workers — meaning a total saving of over £23 million for NHS workers. The scheme is now available on reservations up until 15 December 2023, thanks to the extension.
In addition to extending the deposit scheme, Barratt Developments is also donating £75,000 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the NHS. The three charities each receiving £25,000 are: NHS Charities Together, The Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children and the Florence Nightingale Foundation.
As well as being a welcome boost to the 1.2 million workers in the NHS, the deposit scheme will also support workers in: Education, The Police Force, Postal Service, Fire Service, MOD, Environmental Service, National Highways, Probation Service, Prison Service and Local Authorities.
Richard Lawson, Sales Director at Barratt Developments South Wales, said: “Our Key Worker Deposit Contribution Scheme has helped 2,000 NHS workers across the UK to afford their new home, so what better way to mark the 75th anniversary of the NHS than by extending the scheme for another six months?
“The NHS treats over a million people a day and touches all our lives, so we want to say a big thank you to all of our essential frontline workers through this deposit scheme extension.”
To find out more about Barratt’s Key Worker Scheme, please visit: www.barratthomes.co.uk/offers/key-worker-deposit-contribution/