Lord’s Taverners Wales presents minibus to Newport special day school

Head Teacher Richard Drew, Andrew Gibson, cricketer Robert Croft.
The Lord’s Taverners Wales has presented Gwent school Ysgol Bryn Derw with a specially adapted minibus to enable pupils to engage in more community activities.
Chairman of the Lord’s Taverners Wales, Andrew Gibson, and former Welsh cricketer Robert Croft officially presented the accessible vehicle to pupils and staff at Bryn Derw.
Opened in 2017, Ysgol Bryn Derw is the only dedicated ASD Special School in the region educating children and young people with Autism and associated learning difficulties between 4-19 years old.
As one of his first acts as the new chairman, Andrew said: “Having only been in the chairman role since January, this was the first time I have been privileged to present a school with one of the Lord’s Taverners’ minibuses. Speaking to the staff and pupils was an honour and finding out exactly how the bus will help the school with their day-to-day activities was wonderful. It is very rewarding to see the outcomes of all the fundraising efforts by everyone involved with the charity here in Wales.”
Laura Foley, Deputy Headteacher at Ysgol Bryn Derw, said: “Having the minibus for our pupils really is invaluable. It is paramount for their acquisition of independent living skills, social skills and communication skills in the local and wider community. Having this minibus means that our pupils have opportunities to engage with the world around them and make a valuable contribution to society, which prepares them for the wider world when they leave us at 19. We are incredibly grateful to The Lord’s Taverners grant funding which will make these experiences possible.”
In 2019 nationally, the Lord’s Taverners presented 27 minibuses to special educational needs schools, delivered 10 tons of recycled sports kits to projects in 20 countries, installed 25 play spaces and provided 44 sports wheelchairs. The charity also launched its free community cricket scheme, Wicketz, which saw more than 2,000 young people from across the UK get involved.
To find out more about the Lord’s Taverners please visit www.lordstaverners.org/members/wales