‘Meetings on Mountains’ – make decisions and stay fit while at work

Mountain top meeting facilitated by Call of the Wild
A Welsh training company has developed a unique new offering designed to make work meetings more productive – while also keeping staff healthy.
Increasing numbers of us now have sedentary jobs, spending many hours sitting staring at a screen. However, training company Call of the Wild has devised a new offering designed to counter this inactivity – and make meetings more interesting.
Its new Meetings on Mountains offering involves facilitated ‘walk-and-talk’ outdoor meetings, which give individuals the opportunity to escape the office and discuss issues and ideas while walking in the outstanding natural beauty of the Brecon Beacons National Park.
Increasingly popular with forward-thinking businesses, outdoor, mobile meetings allow companies to incorporate employee wellbeing into hectic schedules. They can also encourage creative thinking by removing the team from the busy and often stressful office environment.
Call of the Wild’s highly experienced and qualified staff are equipped with all the skills required to guide the outdoor meetings not only geographically, but to also encourage open, honest and creative conversations in an inspiring and beautiful natural environment.
The launch of the new offering is also timely in the context of Visit Wales naming 2020 and 2021 the ‘Year of the Outdoors’ in Wales – a two-year celebration of the outdoors in Wales.
Mark Soanes, director, Call of the Wild, said:
“We aim to enable companies to get out into the fresh air and set their imaginations free. As well as the obvious physical health benefits from exercising outdoors, it’s becoming increasingly evident that green spaces, fresh air and exercise are good for our mental health too.
“The ‘Meetings on Mountains’ programme also allows for more creative thinking, and this is backed up with many scientific studies showing that the simple act of walking can lead to improved original thought. In other words, it’s best to get outside the box – in order to think outside the box! It is a question of less chalk, more talk!
“Visit Wales has named 2020 the ‘Year of the Outdoors’, and with the breath-taking beauty of Wales’ natural environment on our doorstep, it seems obvious that we should grasp the opportunity to use this amazing resource for work-related – as well as recreational – purposes.”
Call of the Wild works very closely with its clients across the UK, many of them blue chip, to create tailor-made learning and team-building sessions, identifying the specific needs and aims of each client company. Its bespoke courses focus on achieving desired outcomes by creating positive behavioural change within the workplace. The programmes all have measurable outcomes and are aimed specifically at delivering a return on the client’s investment.