News from Wales

MPCT celebrates 21 years of helping young people

A pioneering Welsh organisation is marking a milestone anniversary this month. (Sept).

It is 21 years since Gwynedd-born former Army officer, Huw Lewis MBE, founded the Motivational Preparation College for Training (MPCT), with the aim of using military and progressive education techniques to help young people across the UK achieve their potential.

Not only has his Cardiff-based organisation now spread to 35 locations across England and Wales, but – since 1999 – it has helped more than 20,000 school leavers gain the practical and academic skills they need for civilian or military careers.

Along with training in physical fitness, the courses – whose instructors are all ex-British Armed Forces personnel – help learners achieve qualifications in English and Mathematics and become proficient at problem solving, public speaking, leadership and communication.

The organisation has also received national recognition in the following:

Huw, awarded Wales Director of the Year 2017, joined the Royal Welch Fusiliers at the age of 17, serving in Northern Ireland, Berlin, Bosnia, Uzbekistan and Malawi, reaching the rank of Captain with the regiment.

“As rewarding as my own military career was, nothing can match the knowledge that, through MPCT, we have not only supported former service men and women but have helped thousands of young people achieve their dreams,” he said.

The Welsh Parliament’s Deputy Minister for Local Government, Hannah Blythyn said: “I congratulate the MPCT on reaching their 21st anniversary and their commitment to developing young people to achieve their potential through engagement, motivation and education; better enabling them to progress into their chosen career of choice.”

To find out more about the Military Preparation Colleges, prospective learners and parents and guardians can visit  or call 0330 111 3939.

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